Tere tulemast!

Aitems OÜ is a small accounting company. We offer our services to small and medium-sized business. Our key directions are: wholesale and retail trade, tourism, passenger transport, construction and repair, metal, IT and other services.

We don't resort to the services of interns or data processors. Our clients are served by qualified specialists with experience of more than 10 years. Low prices due to the lack of intermediaries.

We believe that it is always better to be a great customer in a small company than vice versa.

Accounting prices *

Kannete arv kalendrikuus Hind
0 lausendit 7 EUR
kuni 50 lausendit 60 EUR
51-100 lausendit 100 EUR
101-200 lausendit 170 EUR
201-300 lausendit 240 EUR

Täiendavad teenused
Aastaaruande koostamine alates 99 EUR
Statistikaaruande koostamine ja esitamine 20-25 EUR
Palgaarvestus esimene töötaja/iga järgnev 10/5 EUR
Eripärane arvestus (nt.import-eksport, jäemüük) kokkuleppel
Muud teenused 25 EUR/tund

* Hinnale ei lisandu käibemaks.
